Friday, June 12, 2020

The Cozy Princess is About Magic and Love

So I've discussed the recent social injustice and unrest on my other 2 blogs and I want to address some issues here to- I don't really think this is the place where I will post everything...but I can't not address some of my thoughts... especially when some things that have happened recently do kind of have to do with some things I talk about on this blog. 

JK Rowling is one of my favorite authors- Harry Potter is a big important part of my childhood and my life as a whole... however JK Rowling recently tweeted very insensitive things about the trans community and I don't agree with her and I don't stand with her. 

I do stand with the Black Lives Matter movement. Disney has also pledged to donate 5 million dollars to help with social justice and they've started by donating 2 Million Dollars to the NAACP. 

I've written this more at length on my beauty blog because I feel like these problems are something the youtube beauty community should really be addressing problems and holding influencers more accountable for their actions. I just wanted to address the JK Rowling issues here because I do still plan to talk about Harry Potter on this blog from time to time- I may read more from JK Rowling and continue watching the Fantastic Beasts movies- I just can't respect her the same way that I once did. 

So that is everything. This blog isn't really a place for real world issues- but I also can't ignore issues that I care about deeply. 


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