Tuesday, December 1, 2020

The 12 Days of Cozymas!!!

 Hey guys! So this year I'm going to attempt to post 12 posts on this blog for Christmas! I know- I'm not that great at posting on this blog in particular... but I am going to try my best to post 12 posts. I'm going to do it every even numbered day- so really this is just my intro... I'm going to start it on December 2nd- which is tomorrow. And... yeah! Hope you guys like this! I'm excited about it! It is the Coziest time of year so here we go! 

And I will probably include some Disney posts... but I'm going to do a bit of everything. I'll show off the Starbucks Cups, I'll show my Christmas Decorations (that will likely be tomorrows blog) I'll talk about my favorite holiday movies, I'll do cozy gift guides... It just seems like an awesome time of year for some extra coziness! 

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 Okay... I've seen every episode of Wandavision at least twice. 1) I absolutely love it 2) I have some theories...  Alright I watch a LO...