Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Avengers Endgame Review- Some Plot Spoilers but no Major Spoilers

In a movie like Avengers Endgame where there is so much hype leading up to the release- it's easy to have some pre-conceived notions of what to expect and you almost have a movie in your head based on what has to happen. To me- Endgame definitely met those expectations... but still in a way that surprised me and exceeded those expectations.

I feel like everyone knew the movie would probably have time travel-I think we knew the Quantum Realm would come into play... I think we had enough to piece together the plot... but the movie still did everything in a way that would surprise us and it was still interesting. Nothing happened that was like out of left field... but it was all still surprising and they followed the format in the best way they possibly could.

My first observation was that Tony Stark kind of lucked out compared to everyone else. Rhodie was still alive, Pepper was still alive... although Tony almost died in the ship with Nebula- when he got home he reunited with Pepper and when they show what happened FIVE YEARS after the snap- btw someone in my audience screamed "Five Years?" Quizzically which was funny- we saw that Tony and Pepper had a daughter named Morgan who was the most adorable kid ever.

Tony having a daughter kind of threw me for a loop. From everything I thought I knew about time Time Travel- had they gone back in time and gotten the gauntlet before the snap- Morgan might not exist. So she immediately changed what I thought was going to happen in the movie and she also raised the stakes and made everything a little more interesting. It also made the time travel plot a little harder. They couldn't prevent the snap from happening- they just had to get the Infinity Stones to get all of those that Vanished in The Snap back. They also had to use the Pym Particles to time travel... but there were only enough Pym Particles for each of them to do one trip to the past and back... which also raised the stakes because they couldn't make any mistakes whatsoever. Plus it was extra fun because they went back in time to the actual movies to get the Infinity Stones... so that was fun too. We got to see Loki as the trickster and the villain again, we saw how other characters reacted to different situations that they weren't in before... it was just very interesting to see how the Time Travel changed the movies. Plus we got to see moments like The Hulk mad because the other Avengers made him take the stairs.

Another thing I absolutely loved about this movie was that all of the characters were really heroes in the movie. We all know Iron Man and Captain America could save the universe and we expect that from them... but even Ant Man and Hawkeye had big "hero moments" and they really helped save Thanos. Each of the characters really did their part to try to stop Thanos. They really all made a good team.

My favorite part in this movie also made me cry. I don't want to spoil anything major... but it is when the Avengers get the Soul Stone. It was just a really emotional and well done scene... and it really honored the relationship between the 2 characters involved in the best way... and those are 2 of the characters with my favorite relationship... so it's really great.

I think that this movie was kind of better than Infinity War... but this one was harder to watch. I could see myself watching Infinity War all the time... and I have watched it several times. I don't know if I would watch this all the time... I might watch it every few years or something. I also think in terms of "was it funny?" I'd say Infinity War definitely had more funny moments... where there could be whole scenes that are kind of funny and definitely lighter... there are funnier moments in Endgame... but the overall tone of the movie is more serious so it really doesn't feel that funny.

There were also 2 moments of "Fan Service" in the movie. We do get one scene where we see what an all female Avengers might look like. And there's another fan service moment that I'm not going to talk about here cause it's a little too much of a spoiler... but it is at the very end... so if you saw the movie you probably know what I'm talking about. There were no post credits scenes... which I  liked... but this was a moment that did sort of set up something else. I hope that makes sense.

So I hope you liked this review. I tried to do the best I could of describing it without spoiling the major parts.


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