Monday, April 20, 2020

Movie Monday: Onward

Alright- so I'm not sure if I'm going to alternate between Movie Monday and Marvel Monday the way that I used to... but I've watched some Disney Movies so I will have some of these Movie Monday's Coming up so... yeah.

Anyway- let's get to one of my new favorite Pixar movies- Onward! So I've seen this movie twice now- once in theaters and once on Disney Plus the day it was released on Disney Plus and this was actually the last movie I watched in theaters when things were still normal! I really loved it as you might be able to tell and I just thought it was a sweet and heartwarming movie!

Onward centers around 2 Brothers living in a fairy tale world that started using technology more than magic. The older Brother Bartley is Daring and loves the old lore of the magical world they live in and his brother Iain is an awkward teenager just trying to survive high school. On Iain's 16th birthday he gets a special gift- a Wizard Staff from his late father and a spell that promises to bring him back for 24 hours. Of corse when Iain and Bartley attempt the spell things go awry and they only bring back their dad's legs. So they need to go on a quest in order to get what they need to bring the rest of him back to life for whatever time they can with him.

The quest itself was really fun. Iain and Bartley were both really fun characters to follow and we got to see the very magical universe that they lived in... which I would love to see more of btw! If they did a sequel or like a show on Disney Plus in this universe- I'd totally watch it! It's such a fun world! It was also fun to see the dad's legs... lots of physical humor there that just made me laugh a lot. It's a really funny movie besides being heartwarming and fun to watch. As I said- it's one of my favorites from Pixar.

One of my favorite things in movies is when everything is used. Basically every line and every joke had some greater significance in the movie that lead to a really exciting and fun ending. It was very consistent and it just made everything tie together in a nice, satisfying way. Like the brothers buy Cheetos at a gas station, and that's significant later on in the movie! Who would think that?

Anyway that is everything! Definitely check out Onward, right now it is available to rent digitally as well as on Disney Plus! Worth checking out for sure!


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 Okay... I've seen every episode of Wandavision at least twice. 1) I absolutely love it 2) I have some theories...  Alright I watch a LO...