The last 2 weeks I've been doing it the "right way" where I use no time Travel and it's still easy and a lot of fun. The only hard thing is that you have to make sure to play in the morning when Nook's Cranny is opened and then again at night before it closes. I'm not really sure that's going to be possible for me when I go back to work... Nook's Cranny opens at 8... and sometimes I start work earlier than that... but that's okay. It helps a little knowing both times but I don't think it's that much of a make or break thing. I might have to time travel a little more... but anyway it's something fun to kind of get me up early in the morning.
I use the Nook Net Turnip Calculator to predict my prices and see when the best time to sell is. This is a calculator created by a data miner- so they broke down the code to see how this worked.
This week I actually had a bit of bad luck with it because I didn't listen to the calculator fully... and I thought that maybe I'd be able to sell it a little bit higher... and the price dropped 11 Bells... so it wasn't that much but I feel like I should have sold at least some of my turnips at that price. Usually Tuesday or Wednesday is the day you'll want to sell... but the first week I started the highest price was on Saturday so it might be different. If your prices are lower than what you paid... don't sell! Unless it's Saturday Night and you didn't sell them at all yet and you missed your window for selling them for profit because you need to sell them before the following Sunday otherwise they'll rot.
Also during the week I'm putting bells away in the bank so that I can buy turnips the following week. Right now it's super easy to make bells. I totally recommend going to mystery islands and fishing for sharks. Also if CJ or Flick are on your island- that's a really easy and fun way to make money. Just catch all the bugs or fish that you can and sell it to them for a higher price. I don't like catching Scorpions or Tarantulas... but if I do I think I'm going to start saving those for Flick. The sharks right now I haven't been saving for CJ- but CJ was just on my island last week- I'm not expecting him again until next week at least. There's also a Bug Off this month I think and a fishing tournament next month- so Flick and CJ will definitely be on your island's then.
I think I mentioned this in last week's post- but I did buy 2 amiibo cards- so next week I'll talk about my Amiibo Card thoughts. They haven't arrived at the time I'm writing it... but I'm sure they'll be here by the time I post this. So I'm excited to see how that works out and tell you guys about it. If I like it- I might buy a few more cards and kind of rotate through different villagers.
Alright hope you guys like this!
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