Monday, May 20, 2019

Movie Monday: Aladdin

I'm so excited for the new Aladdin movie! It comes out FRIDAY so of corse I needed to watch the original movie first- this is probably one of my favorite Disney movies of all time... if not my actual favorite... and I'm just happy to see it! And I'm excited to share my review of the original because... this is just great!

And I'm pretty sure this is STILL my favorite! I could watch this ALL the time. It has so many of my favorite disney things in it...and that kind of just makes this my all around favorite movie.

My first favorite in this movie is my Favorite Disney Song. I'll probably do a whole post on this sometime... but it is Friend Like Me sung by The Genie. It's just such a funny song and it is so so good. I love the animated sequence of this too. I just think it's a lot of fun and Genie might be the best character...but the characters in this movie are great!

Also my favorite Disney Prince: Aladdin of corse! I just think he's really sweet and very fun! He's also kind of a well rounded prince with a lot of personality. I like his singing voice too. Plus he's smart and he thinks on his feet. He's cute... I really like him.

I think those are my only 2 favorites from the movie... but those are 2 really big favorites! Plus I just love the movie as a whole! It's got a lot of heart, great songs... great characters and I'm just always excited to watch it.

I think that's actually all I have to say about it. This is a short movie Monday... but this is just a fun movie and I really like it a lot!


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